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There are 5 stages of life—here's what to do at every age 'to minimize your regrets,' says life coach

Jan 20, 2022 0 comments

We've been taught to plan our lives based>Zoom In IconArrows pointing outwardsThe 5 Stages of LifeCredit: Eyal Danon | CNBC Make It

1. The Dreamer Stage

From birth to age 18

In this stage, your goal is to flesh out your dreams and create detailed maps of how to achieve them. Focus>2. The Explorer Stage

From ages 18 to 36

Now it's time to commit to a serious exploration that leads to the>3. The Builder Stage

From ages 36 to 54

Now that you've established a foundation of experience and self-awareness, you can fully leverage your talents. Creating your empire shouldn't take more than 18 years if you have a terrific plan and are smart about implementation. 

  • Spot your success trains and take calculated risks. Keep an open mind, consider all options, and jump>4. The Mentor Stage

    From ages 54 to 72

    As a Mentor, you can keep doing what you did as a Builder and retain your sources of income. The difference is that your focus will shift from building your empire to sharing your experience with the intention of guiding people who need it most.

    • You have a unique gift to share. Your highest value is not in how to get things done, but rather how to deal with negative emotions, cope with setbacks, develop perseverance, gain perspective and be courageous.
    • Sometimes just listening is enough. It's a rare treat for others in this hurried world.
    • Start small, then expand. Take baby steps as a Mentor, then deepen your commitment. There's no need to start with a grand plan; you can work towards becoming a full-fledged Mentor over the years.

    5. The Giver Stage

    From ages 72 to 90

    After being a Dreamer, Explorer, Builder and Mentor, you can finally fully enjoy the fruits of your labor. Maybe you want to spend time with your grandkids, ride a Harley or travel to an exotic place. Use your knowledge, passion and finances to advance the cause closest to your heart.

    • Remember yourself as a Dreamer. Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations. What could you do to revisit those dreams and involve actual Dreamers?
    • You can find your purpose by dedicating yourself to a cause. Don't believe anyone who tells you that all you should do is relax and enjoy the final act. Actively try to find a sense of purpose.
    • Seek out connections with Dreamers and Explorers. Get involved with an intergenerational writing program, music class or anything else that allows you to interact with younger people in a meaningful way.


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