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I got $10,000 more when I negotiated my salary—here's the exact script I used

Jan 14, 2022 0 comments

Not too long ago, I was>I did my research early>I used the "Gratitude Sandwich"

Delivery is important, especially at the start of a negotiation, so you must always have a strategic plan put into place. I have an exact script for negotiations: I call it the "Gratitude Sandwich."

The script, as indicated by its name, starts with gratitude. "Wow! This is such great news — thank you. I'm so excited for this opportunity," I said over the phone when I was first given news of the offer.

"I felt right at home during my interviews and am really looking forward to being part of the team," I added. This showed that I already had data-test="Pullquote">Salary negotiations are collaborations, not conflicts. You can be gracious, polite and grateful while also being confident and persuasive.

I continued: "Based>I waited patiently and didn't cave in

It can be tempting to follow up and bug your hiring manager immediately within>What could happen

Even if you've done your research and did a brilliant job presenting your worth in the negotiation process, there's never a 100% guarantee that you'll get what you ask for.

Aside from salary, another reason it's important to negotiate is to make sure that the company's values align with your own. If they're not willing to pay what you're worth, it can be a sign that they don't value, respect or appreciate their employees — and that maybe the job wasn't a good fit after all.

As a woman, my goal isn't just about earning more money It's also about planning for the future: Women who consistently negotiate their salaries earn, on average, at least $1 million more over their lifetimes compared to those who don't, according to research from Linda Babcock, an economics professor and author of "Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide."

Salary negotiations are collaborations, not conflicts. You can be gracious, polite and grateful while also being confident and persuasive. It's a compromise: the goal is to get to a number both parties have agreed upon.


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